Monday, June 22, 2015

Days 4-10

Day 4:
Andrew gets promoted to Lab Tech!
Dan gets promoted to Snack Hawker!

Derek mops twice, Andrew mops once, Dan mops once.

Seriously if they can't call a maintenance man or fix it themselves I don't want to have to do it for them. It makes me wonder if they'll pay their bill on time, and if they don't what will happen. I think in the previous sims a third party just came in and took stuff.

Nothing big happens.
At this point I was getting bored so I made a group of women and moved them in next door. I used the random sim generator and stuck with the ones who were appropriately attractive.

Day 5:
Everyone goes to work like normal, but Derek has the day off.

Ousmane is promoted to Desk Jockey!!
So they didn't pay their bill and I got a notification that the repo is arriving to pick it up...

And contrary to typical gender norms, the repo is a lady!

Sizing up what she wants to take. 

"Fuck these guys' picnic table"

The repo then turned her ray towards the televsion but didn't end up sucking it in. not sure why..

She leaves and Derek is home on his day off playing on the computer... through the window you can see the group of women next door...

You can even scroll around the neighborhood and see into people's houses. I did a nice creepy shot here.

Just realized the television is broken now. I guess that is why the repo didn't take it!

Day 6:
Dan works late hours so is the only one at the house when I notice the fridge has an unpleasant aroma. This is quite the trifecta going on here...

Here's a picture of Andrew in his work outfit:

For some reason Ous is freaking out that there is nowhere to walk in the house even though he is standing in the middle of it with nothing around him.

Andrew and Derek run outside and play tag until dusk.

Then Derek manages to convince Ous to play tag and they play until midnight.

This whole day Dan has been browsing the web on the computer.

Day 7:
Bales repeatedly wakes up early. Usually because he is the first one to bed. It seems like this is going to be a habitual cycle for his character.

Looks like Ous, Andrew, and Nathan have the day off today.

Nothing really happens until Ous tries to do the right thing and wash his dishes in the sink... until the sink faucet breaks.... here we go....

Derek has been promoted to thug!!!

Ousmane ignores the puddle that is being formed below the recently broken faucet and goes to play video games... until the computer he is using starts to smoke.

Apparently Ous uses this new time to become best friends with Derek. I actually got a notification saying that they were best friends. Apparently the late-night game of tag really solidified their friendship. I look at the different friendship combinations between the rest of the household and nothing is even close. It's quite remarkable how closely a game of tag can bring two minorities together. If you look closely in the picture you can see that at the exact moment they became best friends, Derek has a faint thought about Andrew....

After Dan comes back from work I notice him standing still in the bathroom looking at something. By the time i get there, Andrew is mopping up the floor. I pause and click on each of the toilets and am informed that they are both clogged. This is going excellently!

Everyone goes to bed and Dan continues to travel around the house between the two broken sinks and the broken toilet mopping for like an hour straight.

Day 8:
I get a notification that they still have not paid the bill. The repo is going to make another guest appearance.
Dan, Andrew, and Nathan gather in the bedroom and get to know each other a bit more while Dan sleeps off a night of hopeless mopping.

Amanda Gerstein (repo) is here!  I thought she was going for the treadmill (unused so far), but insteads turns her suckwave gun on either the chair, table, or computer... not sure ... turns out it is the chair.

Then she walks to the kitchen and attempts to suck... nothing? After she's done I realize she took the light, since the kitchen goes dark. This will be interesting... on the bright side maybe the utility bill goes down?

Got a picture of Derek in his work outfit (Nathan and Ous work outfits are their regular attire as far as I can tell):

While watching Ous make some salad (again), i noticed that the third sink is now broken...

Day 9:
With two clogged toilets and three sinks leaking, there is now no way for a sim to completely mop up the spills before "ending" the task. Once a sim starts mopping, they will continue to mop until a greater "activity" is queued (sleeping, going to work).

Dan literally mopped all morning before his job and did not have time to shower nor eat. He is in the red for both of those and about to have a very bad day at work... He actually grabbed a plate, but had to put it down to catch his carpool to work.. I missed the shot, but here's that plate of Autumn salad about to get soggy.. notice the plethora of used plates around the house, there's no sink or dishwasher to clean them now...

The sims have now found some  sort of teamwork to combat the encroaching tap water. Teams of two work together to clean up a puddle. Here we see Nathan and Ous synchronize their movements to mop up the leaks.

On a more casual note, Nathan is the only one to actively use the chessboard on a regular basis. Derek uses the mirror, but only to make faces in it.

Nathan, Ous, and Andrew go to bed. Dan comes home late from work and spends 5 hours mopping while Derek makes faces in the mirror. Once Derek is done, he turns to find Dan almost falling asleep standing.

Day 10:
Everything is as normal as it could be in the day of these sims. They go to work and come back and mop the rest of the day away.

Dan gets promoted to Toddler Sports Coach!

That's about it for today. I'm hoping the computer or tv will burst into flames or something. Still not much activity with the neighborhood. Good thing I turned aging off.


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